Water Quality
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The aquatic and riparian ecosystems of Napa County require clean, cool water to properly function and support native species.

General Info
The RCD uses scientifically sound methods to assess and better-understand water quality in the watershed as it relates to supporting wild plants and animals. We focus primarily on fine sediment and contaminants in urban run-off and aim to establish credible information for the community and policy makers to consider when making decisions that influence conservation. Information gained from monitoring and assessment is incorporated into our education programs and often leads to conservation and habitat enhancement planning and implementation. Current efforts include annual dry-weather storm drain outfall assessments and Napa River sediment TMDL monitoring. We are also seeking funding for a project called Napa County Stream Watch which will use a network of volunteers to make regular observations of streamflow, water quality, and trash levels at select sites using their smartphones or tablets.
How can I get involved?
Report suspected illicit discharges of pollutants to gutters, storm drains, ditches, and streams (based on color, odor, foaminess, etc.) to the Napa Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Hotlines.
Senior Hydrologist
(707) 690-3121