Road Storm Proofing
Carbon Farming
LandSmart is a regional collaborative program that helps land managers meet their natural resource management goals while supporting productive lands and thriving streams

General Info
Through the LandSmart Program, RCD provides 1) vineyard conservation plans, 2) assistance to landowners with on-the-ground projects that meet their stewardship goals and 3) youth education focused on fostering environmental stewardship in the next generation.
We help vineyard managers develop water quality and habitat plans, carbon farm plans (link to page on RCD site), and water management plans (link to We can also help develop plans for grazing operations, forested properties, and orchards
Here’s an example LandSmart Plan for our own Huichica Creek Demonstration Vineyard
LandSmart is a regional effort among Napa, Sonoma, Gold Ridge, and Mendocino RCDs.
How can I get involved?
Work with us on a Plan. Peruse the options and get in touch! Let us know about conservation projects that you’d like to complete and ask for help. Offer your conservation project or property as a field trip site for youth! Students love learning from the land.
Program Director
(707) 690-3124