Habitat & Streams
News + More
Fish Barrier Removal
Human-built structures such as road crossings and dams impact migratory fish species by restricting access to potential spawning and rearing habitat and have led to declines in local salmonid populations. The RCD and our partners are working with private landowners and public agencies to remove or improve these barriers wherever possible.
Water Quality Monitoring
The RCD monitors surface water quality to better understand and address the ecological side effects of human activity in the watershed, primarily focusing on fine sediment input from development and agriculture, and chemical contaminants in urban runoff.
Habitat Projects
Habitat surveys are conducted to document the amount and quality of stream habitat available to native fishes, amphibians, and other aquatic organisms. Over the past 20 years, the RCD has surveyed all salmonid streams in the Napa River watershed, primarily with funding from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Fisheries Monitoring
The RCD monitors fish populations to provide science-based information to all stakeholders involved in the management and recovery of steelhead and Chinook salmon. The program also generates information on other native fishes and tracks ecological responses to ongoing habitat restoration.
Streamflow Monitoring
RCD monitors stream stage (water level) and discharge (flow) to better understand how and when water drains off the landscape, and to provide water users, flood managers, and wastewater dischargers with good information for operation of water infrastructure.
Road Storm Proofing
Erosion prevention and “storm-proofing” of unpaved roads can have an immediate benefit to stream systems by reducing sediment input. Along with water quality improvements, these practices can also reduce annual maintenance costs.
Upcoming Events
French Broom Removal with City of Napa Parks & Rec
Join City of Napa Parks and Rec for their Winter/Spring French broom pulls at Westwood Hills Park. Gloves, tools, and guidance will be provided by Parks and USDA-NRCS staff. Please RSVP toECorona@CityofNapa.org Other Weed Pull dates at Westwood Hills Park: February 22 – March 22 – April 26 ...
First Saturday Volunteer Event- Wetlands Edge Park
Join Napa RCD, City of American Canyon, and ACCPF at Wetlands Edge Park for a kickoff to Earth Month! We are teaming up to support the ACCPF Teen WILD Interns as they lead an Ice Plant Removal Workday. Ice plant is an invasive weed that is widespread throughout coastal areas of California, and the levees […] ...
Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup
Stay tuned- we’ll update this page as Cleanup Sites are confirmed and details are finalized. We can’t wait to celebration Earth Day Napa with all of you! Join Napa RCD for the 2025 Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup! We’ve got sites throughout the City of Napa, so we’re sure you’ll find a spot that works […] ...
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