For over a decade, Napa RCD has proudly partnered with Valley Oak High School (VOHS), a school renowned for its wraparound support culture and mission to inspire academic and personal growth. This partnership has created opportunities for hundreds of students to engage with nature, plant acorns, and spend countless hours outdoors exploring some of Napa County’s most treasured open spaces, including Alston, Skyline, and Moore Creek Parks.

The connection between VOHS and Napa RCD runs deep—starting with the school’s namesake, the iconic Valley Oak, which mirrors Napa RCD’s long-term commitment to ReOaking efforts across the County. Together, we’re growing something far greater than trees: we’re fostering a sense of stewardship, connection, and inspiration for the next generation of conservation leaders.

This year, we embraced an exciting new approach, thanks to the insight of long-time VOHS educator and multi-award-winning teacher, Julie Lovie. Historically, Napa RCD has worked with as many schools as possible, often limiting VOHS students to a single outdoor opportunity each year. In 2024, however, we committed to partnering with VOHS on four different outings within the school year. This change ensures all students—who may join or finish high school outside the traditional academic calendar—have equitable access to meaningful outdoor education and mentorship.

The results so far have been incredible. Over 300 Valley Oak students have installed 312 oak trees, milkweed, and native plants across Napa County’s parks and open spaces, leaving a tangible legacy of their efforts. After participating in trips to Skyline Park, 91% of students reported positive or very positive experiences outdoors, with no negative feedback. Every participant felt more connected to local parks and open spaces, and 91% reported meaningful interactions with environmental professionals, gaining valuable insight into potential career paths. 

We’ve also expanded our Teen Conservation Internship to include six students annually, three of whom are VOHS students. Through these paid internships, students gain hands-on career development and skills that shape their futures while making a tangible impact on our environment.

We’re endlessly inspired by the persistence and enthusiasm of VOHS students, as well as the dedication of their teachers and staff like Julie Lovie and Maria Cisneros. As Julie often says, “Everything is connected,” and this partnership proves it. Together, we’re creating a brighter future for Napa County—one rooted in collaboration, stewardship, and a shared love of nature.

Why Your Support Matters:

This essential work would not be possible without the support of our community. The Napa Valley Give!Guide is your opportunity to support meaningful change in Napa County. By giving to Napa RCD, you’re investing in local programs that connect youth to the natural world and build a foundation for lifelong success.

The campaign is open from now until December 31, 2024—every donation, no matter the size, makes a real impact. Visit the Napa Valley Give!Guide and take action today.

A Gift for Every Donation

The Monkey Flower Group will gift a small floral bouquet to every donor who makes a donation to Napa RCD through the Give!Guide. Donors who give $50 or more will receive five small flower arrangements.


For those who donate $300 or more, one selected donor will be invited to join RCD Board President, Bruce Barge, at his home with a group of up to 4 for a vineyard tour and wine tasting with charcuterie plate.