Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup
Registration is now closed, but please feel free to join us at any of our 6 sites listed above!
Join Napa RCD and our partners for the 2024 Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup! We’ve got sites throughout the City of Napa, so we’re sure you’ll find a spot that works for you!
Bring your own bucket, gloves, and trash grabber if you have them, but we will have some to share at each site! Wear sturdy shoes, dress in layers, and bring a full water bottle. We will be done just in time to head to the Earth Day Napa Festival at the Oxbow Commons from 11am-4pm!
The 2024 Cleanup Sites are:
Downtown Napa at Main & Pearl
- Downtown Napa at the Napa County Library
- Oxbow District at CIA Copia
- South Jefferson Wetlands
- Vintage High School at the quad
- Kennedy Park at the boat launch
Riverside Dr Boat Launch (on-the-water cleanup, done in kayaks provided by Enjoy Napa Valley)– At capacity
Registration is now closed, but please feel free to join us at any of our 6 sites listed above!
Many thanks to our partners!
Environmental Education Coalition of Napa County | Napa Recycling & Waste Services | Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | Napa Valley CanDo | City of Napa | Friends of the Napa River | Enjoy Napa Valley Kayak
If you are interested in helping us out as a Site Captain (leading volunteers at one specific site), please contact Ashley@NapaRCD.org