man planting acorn

Community Oak Planting Day at Skyline

As of right now, this event is ON and will continue to be ON even if raining unless the forecast changes to a heavy, sustained downpour. In the case of a cancellation, we will email you no later than 4pm Sunday evening with a notice of cancellation.

We are excited to see you out at Skyline to plant some acorns with us and our partners at NVTA and Skyline Park.
A few tips:
-Wear a rain coat and rain boots, or other apparrel that will keep you warm and dry. Your shoes and clothes WILL get muddy, so please dress accordingly.
-We will be providing work gloves and tools for folks.
-We will have two popup tents for folks to use as shelter from the rain if needed
-Please bring a filled waterbottle! It won’t be too warm, but hydration is still important!

If you have questions, please contact 

-Ashley Kvitek
Community Engagement Project Manager
Napa RCD

Join Napa RCD and help us Re-Oak Napa County!

Monday, January 16  •  MLK Day of Service
Two Locations  •  10am-12:30pm

man planting acornLocation Details:
Skyline Park Napa (2201 Imola Ave, Napa)
St Helena Community Forest (30 Zinfandel Ln, St Helena)

Volunteers are needed to:
Weed planting areas
Plant acorns
Install protection around plantings

Tips for fun and safety:
All ages welcome
Dress for gardening- thick pants and sturdy shoes keep you comfortable
BYO filled water bottle and snacks

Register HERE for Skyline Park

Register HERE for St Helena

Questions? Contact or 707-690-3117