Mar 6, 2025 | conservation, habitat, News, Programs, Projects, restoration
For the past three years, Napa RCD has been working with the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Healthy Soils Program (HSP) to help local farmers adopt sustainable conservation management practices. The goals of the program are to sequester carbon, reduce...
Sep 13, 2023 | conservation, Education, News, Projects, re-oaking, restoration, volunteer
Napa RCD Needs *SOME* Acorns! Each fall, Napa RCD collects, plants, and distributes acorns from local native oak trees in our efforts to re-oak Napa County. This year, we are looking for a limited supply (please don’t bring us giant bags of stuff raked from your...
Apr 6, 2023 | Education, Projects, re-oaking, restoration, Uncategorized, volunteer
Over the past two years, we’ve worked with the City of St Helena, Sustainable St Helena, various schools and community groups, and the general public to plant native oaks and also redwoods in the effluent spray fields at the St Helena Wastewater Treatment Plant...
Sep 10, 2014 | restoration
Private-Public Cooperation Improves Napa River The Rutherford Reach Restoration Project is an initiative that was started in 2002 by the Rutherford Dust Society, a non-profit association of vintners and growers in the Rutherford Appellation, that aims to restore the...
Sep 10, 2014 | restoration
Scott Creek Restoration Reestablishes Riparian Splendor When several old earthen dams began to fail in Scott Creek in the early 2000’s, large amounts of sediment began to be introduced into the creek each year, and especially after large precipitation events. It was...
Jul 10, 2014 | restoration
Dry Creek Streambank Restoration Bank Shaping Rehabilitates Section of Dry Creek Dry Creek offers some of the highest quality habitat for local aquatic wildlife; however certain sections, including a site near the confluence of Dry and Hopper Creeks, are subject to...