Apr 1, 2019 | Education, News, Opportunities
2020 Winners Announced! Water Conservation Programs of City of Calistoga, City of Napa, Town of Yountville, City of St. Helena, City of American Canyon, Napa County and Napa County Resource Conservation District are sponsoring a video contest for high school students...
Mar 14, 2019 | Events, News, Uncategorized
A FREE, Quarterly WILDlife Lecture Series Aug 22, 7:15 pm Napa Wildlife Rescue & the Owl Box Program with John Comisky, President, Napa Wildlife Rescue John Comiksy will provide an overview of the work of Napa Wildlife Rescue. Included will be a special focus on...
Dec 19, 2018 | Assessments, fish barriers, fisheries monitoring, News, Projects
RCD Senior Biologist was recently interviewed on the KCBS radio station for his work on the Fish Monitoring Program. Check out the two clips below to hear what he said!
Nov 27, 2018 | Assessments, fisheries monitoring, News
In 2009, Napa RCD began the Napa River Steelhead and Salmon Monitoring Program. Since then, Napa RCD has annually monitored smolt abundance, adult returns, juvenile distribution, and genetic diversity. The purpose of our monitoring and research is to provide...
Nov 15, 2018 | News, Projects, re-oaking
Every fall, the RCD collects, plants, and distributes acorns from native oak trees in our efforts to re-oak Napa County. We rely on volunteers to help us collect native oak acorns for plantings in our County and greatly appreciate those who have so generously...