Rainfall Update – January 2017

How are we doing so far this Water Year?The Napa County Rainfall and Stream Monitoring System, also called the ALERT System, is a network of automated rain and stream gauges installed throughout the County that provides advanced warning of potential flooding. ...

Bark in the Park: Responsible Pet Walking – Feb. 26

Join us for a community dog walk to learn about responsible walking and hiking that also protects the environment. In order to preserve clean water, soil, and wildlife we will discuss simple things that dog owners can do to share the trails. Dogs must be on-leash and...

Greywater Workshop Materials

Workshop Materials: 2016- Powerpoint slides 2015-Powerpoint slides Greywater system user manual – template Irrigation sizing worksheet Three-way valve handle direction pictures  Soil absorption formula sheet Greywater system components diagram More Links: Learn...

Winterizing Your Vineyard

Winterizing your Vineyard By Charles Schembre, Vineyard Conservation Coordinator After conducting winterization/erosion control inspections on over 150 vineyard properties throughout the County, we want to take a moment to share our observations. Ground cover is one...

LandSmart Vineyard Planning

Vineyard Planning  Vineyard Plans may focus on water quality and habitat, water use, or carbon sequestration – it depends on the growers’ interests Find the Vineyard Plan Template and Resource Guide at LandSmart.org/vineyard View a complete Vineyard...