Dec 19, 2024 | fisheries monitoring, News
This fall, the Napa River came alive with an awe-inspiring phenomenon: the seasonal return of Chinook salmon. These fish, known for their incredible resilience and vital ecological role, embarked on an epic journey through our watershed, signaling the change of...
Jun 7, 2023 | Assessments, conservation, fisheries monitoring, monitoring, News
By Gabe Seidman, Napa RCD’s GrizzlyCorps Fellow As a GrizzlyCorps Fellow at Napa RCD this year, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects. Over the last few months, one of these projects was assisting with monitoring Napa RCD’s Rotary Screw...
Mar 3, 2023 | fisheries monitoring
The 2023 Rotary Screw Trap Open House has been postponed until late May. Stay tuned for updates. Smolt trapping using a rotary screw trap Napa RCD monitors steelhead and salmon populations by collecting data on the number of smolts migrating to the ocean each year. A...
Jan 11, 2023 | conservation, Education, fisheries monitoring, fishes-specific, habitat, monitoring
A note from Martin Perales, PhD, Napa RCD Environmental Scientist Its refreshing to see some water and fish in the rivers! Chinook salmon are staged in the estuary as early as August and wait for the first rains of the season. Our environmental scientists, Martin...
Dec 19, 2018 | Assessments, fish barriers, fisheries monitoring, News, Projects
RCD Senior Biologist was recently interviewed on the KCBS radio station for his work on the Fish Monitoring Program. Check out the two clips below to hear what he said!
Nov 27, 2018 | Assessments, fisheries monitoring, News
In 2009, Napa RCD began the Napa River Steelhead and Salmon Monitoring Program. Since then, Napa RCD has annually monitored smolt abundance, adult returns, juvenile distribution, and genetic diversity. The purpose of our monitoring and research is to provide...