Breaking Barriers for Fish in the Napa River Watershed

RCD’s Environmental Scientist M. Perales Ph.D Conducting a Fish Passage Barrier Assessment The Napa River watershed is a vital home to migratory fish like steelhead trout, chinook salmon, and Pacific lamprey, whose life cycles depend on travel between the ocean...

Napa River Fish Barrier Plan

This culvert along Dry Creek Road is a high-priority fish barrier. Fish Barrier Plan Provides Direction for Future Projects Man-made structures in waterways can often impact local fish populations by restricting access to ideal upstream spawning locations. The fish...

Murphy Creek

Two Severe Fish Barriers Removed and 633 Feet of Habitat Made Available Many short concrete weirs throughout Napa County were built to create pools for water diversion and recreation. Today, the vast majority of these weirs no longer serve their intended purpose and...

Napa River Footpath

Replacing the Napa River Footpath will open almost 15 miles of habitat to threatened steelhead The concrete footpath that crosses the Napa River in the City of Calistoga provides treasured access to the river and a convenient pathway within the City. The structure is...