
The RCD holds and participates in several workshops throughout the year. We announce workshops through our eNewsletter (sign up form at bottom of this page), and on this website under News and Workshops. Contact us to propose a workshop topic that’s of importance to...

Movie Nights

Join us to watch enlightening films on ecological topics. Movie schedule varies; schedule will be posted here. Contact us with movie ideas.

Watershed Clean-ups

RCD’s Creek Clean-Up Efforts Rejuvenate Local Watersheds To help keep Napa County’s waterways clean, the RCD coordinates two major clean-up events each year to remove litter that has found its way into local rivers and creeks. The first of these events is the Earth...

Watershed Symposium

Join us for the Watershed Symposium. Bi-Annual Local Conference held in May that focuses on current events and topics of interest in Napa County’s watersheds A diversity of speakers, opportunity to network, watershed site tours Held in conjunction with Watershed...

Watershed Open House

The Watershed Open House is your chance to learn about sites that are often not accessible to the community. Bi-Annual Open House held in May to visit important water supply, water treatment, flood control, and restoration sites in Napa County Propose a site of...