Mar 6, 2025 | conservation, habitat, News, Programs, Projects, restoration
For the past three years, Napa RCD has been working with the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Healthy Soils Program (HSP) to help local farmers adopt sustainable conservation management practices. The goals of the program are to sequester carbon, reduce...
Dec 16, 2024 | conservation, News
Fire has always been a vital part of California’s ecosystems. Indigenous communities used fire for centuries to shape the land, promoting biodiversity and healthy landscapes. Whether intentionally set, or sparked by lightning, fire was a consistent and natural...
Sep 13, 2023 | conservation, Education, News, Projects, re-oaking, restoration, volunteer
Napa RCD Needs *SOME* Acorns! Each fall, Napa RCD collects, plants, and distributes acorns from local native oak trees in our efforts to re-oak Napa County. This year, we are looking for a limited supply (please don’t bring us giant bags of stuff raked from your...
Jun 7, 2023 | Assessments, conservation, fisheries monitoring, monitoring, News
By Gabe Seidman, Napa RCD’s GrizzlyCorps Fellow As a GrizzlyCorps Fellow at Napa RCD this year, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects. Over the last few months, one of these projects was assisting with monitoring Napa RCD’s Rotary Screw...
Jan 11, 2023 | conservation, Education, fisheries monitoring, fishes-specific, habitat, monitoring
A note from Martin Perales, PhD, Napa RCD Environmental Scientist Its refreshing to see some water and fish in the rivers! Chinook salmon are staged in the estuary as early as August and wait for the first rains of the season. Our environmental scientists, Martin...