News + More
After the Fire – RCD and NRCS Can Help
From Leigh Sharp, Executive Director, Napa RCD In the wake of recent fires in Napa County, our thoughts go out to those affected, especially those directly impacted by the loss of a home, a business, or a loved one. Through the fires and in recent weeks, the...
Acorns to Oaks – Kit for Teachers
This kit was created for teachers, youth group leaders and others who wish to share their passion for oaks and lead acorn plantings. The kit contains resources (files are in PDF file format) related to oak ecology, oak identification, propagating oaks via acorns, and...
Post-Fire – Resources for Managing your Land
RCD and NRCS are here to help RCD is working closely with our partner, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), to provide the following services: Site visits and planning services for landowners and managers about concerns related to potential erosion, stream...
Oaks Workshop for Teachers ~ Oct 26
Acorns To Oaks is a program that involves the community in restoring native oak woodlands in Napa County. Visit to learn more.
Acorns To Oaks Volunteer Day ~ Nov 18
Volunteer to plant oaks!
Attention Grapegrowers: Soil Health Survey
RCDs Need Input From Grape Growers Please take this Soil Health SURVEY by August 7 to tell RCDs: What types of soil health practices are you doing? (e.g. cover crop, compost application) What types of soil health practices do you want to do, but can't for one reason...
Napa Countywide Coastal Clean-up Day ~ Sept 16
Join thousands of volunteers on this California-wide day of action
Huichica Creek Vineyard LandSmart Plan
Download the LandSmart Plan for Huichica Creek Vineyard: Basic Farm Plan and Water Use Section This plan may be used as an example for how to fill out a LandSmart Plan. LandSmart Plans are a pathway towards compliance with the SF Bay Regional Water Board's Waste...
Call for Wildflower Photos ~ 2018 Watershed Calendar
This Year's Theme: "Native Wildflowers of Napa County" We are now seeking submissions of images from the community to develop our 2018 Watershed Calendar. Images should be high resolution and include flowering native plants and communities native to Napa County. The...
Rainfall Update – January 2017
How are we doing so far this Water Year?The Napa County Rainfall and Stream Monitoring System, also called the ALERT System, is a network of automated rain and stream gauges installed throughout the County that provides advanced warning of potential flooding. ...
Wanted: Water-wise Gardens for Garden Tour!
Calling all Bay-Friendly gardens in Napa & Yountville
Bark in the Park: Responsible Pet Walking – Feb. 26
Join us for a community dog walk to learn about responsible walking and hiking that also protects the environment.
Climate-Friendly Redevelopment
The immediate drought and changing climatic conditions of California challenges farmers to implement more drought‐resilient and carbon sequestering practices on their farms. What can grape-growers in Napa County do to improve their farms’ resiliency to drought and...
Irrigation Upgrades
In 2015, RCD began taking three important steps towards improving our water-use efficiency at Huichica Creek Vineyard: 1) upgraded the performance of our filters, valves, and manifold design, 2) during redevelopment of one of five blocks, replace all drip hose and...
Greywater Workshop Materials
Workshop Materials: 2016- Powerpoint slides 2015-Powerpoint slides Greywater system user manual - template Irrigation sizing worksheet Three-way valve handle direction pictures Soil absorption formula sheet Greywater system components diagram More Links: Learn more...
Winterizing Your Vineyard
Winterizing your Vineyard By Charles Schembre, Vineyard Conservation Coordinator After conducting winterization/erosion control inspections on over 150 vineyard properties throughout the County, we want to take a moment to share our observations. Ground cover is one...
Il Posto Dine and Donate Certificate
Il Posto Dine and Donate Flyer 2016 (pdf)
LandSmart Vineyard Planning
Vineyard Planning Workshop