Date of Publication of Negative Declaration:

December 12, 2019

Lead Agency:

Napa County Resource Conservation District

1303 Jefferson Street, Suite 500B

Napa, CA 94559

Agency Contact Person:

Frances Knapczyk

707-252-4189 x3124

Project Title:

Pope Creek Weed Management Project

Project Location and APN:

Pope Creek, varied

Property Owner:



Napa County

Brief Description of Project: Invasive plant species have spread within Pope Creek over time, degrading habitat quality within the creek and surrounding riparian area. Through the Proposed Project, the Napa County Resource Conservation District (RCD) proposes to implement chemical, mechanical, and biological invasive plant management activities along a 2.7 mile reach of Pope Creek. Target invasive plant species are tamarisk, Himalayan blackberry, Arundo, and tree of heaven. The Proposed Project would reduce the population of invasive plants up and downstream along Pope Creek, and reduce the potential for this population to provide source material for new populations downstream into Lake Berryessa. Additionally, the Proposed Project would improve habitat values, and preserve and restore hydro-geomorphic function in Pope Creek.

Location of Known Hazardous Sites: No known hazardous waste sites are within Pope Creek. However, it is possible that unknown occurrences of hazardous materials could be encountered during Proposed Project activities. This topic is discussed in the CEQA document. 

PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION: The RCD has tentatively determined that the Pope Creek Weed Management Project could have a significant but mitigable effect on the environment and the RCD intends to adopt a mitigated negative declaration. This finding is based upon the criteria of the Guidelines of the State Secretary for Resources Sections 15064 (Determining the Significance of the Environmental Effects Caused by a Project), 15065 (Mandatory Findings of Significance), and 15070 (Decision to Prepare a Negative or Mitigated Negative Declaration), and the following reasons as documented in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Proposed Project, which is attached.

The Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for review at the offices of the Napa County Resource Conservation District, 1303 Jefferson Street, Suite 500B, Napa, CA 94559 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:45 PM, Monday through Friday (excepting holidays). The document is also available for download here:

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration without Attachments (pdf) (7.9 MB)

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Attachments (pdf) (13.4 MB)

WRITTEN COMMENT PERIOD: December 12, 2019 – January 13, 2019

Written comments may be submitted up until 4:00 pm on January 13, 2019. 

Please send written comments to the attention of Frances Knapczyk at 1303 Jefferson Street, Suite 500B, Napa, CA 94559, or via e-mail to