Saturday, May 18 2019
9am – 12pm
Come help the RCD tend to past oak plantings at Alston Park! Activities may include: mulching, weeding, re-staking, wrapping the base of mature trees, and collecting materials from unsuccessful plantings.
This event is open to folks of all ages and all backgrounds! Snacks and light refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own water bottle and mug for coffee/tea/hot chocolate. Dress as you would for a day of gardening (sturdy shoes and thick pants) and make sure to bring layers! Heavy rain cancels.
Children under 13 must be accompanied by a guardian, and all participants under 18 must bring a waiver with their guardian’s signature.
Link to waiver:
Contact Anna Yip with any questions: or (707)252-4189 x3117
Event will be held at Alston Park, 2037 Dry Creek Rd, Napa. We will meet up the main hill in the off-leash area at 9am and will wrap up at noon, but feel free to come for any chunk of time that works best for you!