A Great Give!Guide Ending to 2020!

2020: what a year it was. Thanks to CanDo’s Napa Valley Give!Guide fundraising campaign, we were able to end our year on a series of high notes, punctuated by two successes we hadn’t even thought possible.
In case you missed it, we spent the month of December sharing highlights from our 2020 programming. It was great to reflect on the impactful watershed stewardship work that we accomplished in partnership with YOU. Take a look at our past newsletters to see some of the most memorable stories from 2020.
This year, Napa RCD set our Give!Guide fundraising goal at $6,000. We set an ambitious goal but we believe in the work we’re doing and have seen our community’s support of conservation programs throughout the entirety of our 75 years working in Napa County.
All of YOU helped us to not only reach our goal, but to surpass it by over $2,000! Our total donations came out to $8,795. This year marked the highest number of individual donors we’ve ever seen. Last year we had a record 72 donors, and this year we surpassed that record by receiving donations from 101 members of our community!
We can’t thank you enough for your support during 2020. We are also grateful to The Monkey Flower Group for providing beautiful, locally grown floral arrangements to everyone who donated to Napa RCD. Lastly, we are indebted to Napa Valley CanDo for spearheading the Napa Valley Give!Guide, which raises hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for organizations that serve the critical needs of our community.