Napa RCD, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) are pleased to offer this education opportunity for land managers interested in learning about grazing as a fire hazard management tool.

This will be an in-person workshop in Calistoga and includes a boxed lunch. The morning of the workshop (9am-12pm) will involve a classroom component with presentations while the afternoon (1pm-3pm) will involve a field visit to a local property that is grazing livestock. Masks are required during the morning classroom session.

This workshop will focus on:

  • The basics of prescribed grazing and incorporating livestock in the forest and on rangeland
  • How prescribed grazing can be used as a management tool to reduce wildfire fuel load
  • Options for how to incorporate livestock for fuel reduction on your property

Topics and speakers will include:

  • Stephanie Larson, Ph.D., Livestock and Range Management Advisor, UCCE Sonoma and Marin Counties
  • Morgan Doran, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, UCCE Solano, Yolo, and Napa Counties
  • Federal financial assistance programs
  • A panel of local landowners and a contract grazer to answer your questions


Please follow the guidance on the registration link to select a lunch choice and provide payment. Once registration is completed, a link will be sent with venue and field visit information. With questions, contact